
Make Folmar™ a central part of your lead mitigation and water loss strategy today.

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Stop Leaching, Seal Leaks, Stop Water Loss, and Start Delivering Tasty, Clean Drinking Water to the Customer’s Tap – Every Time.

In the typical drinking water system, corrosion creates cracks. Cracks become leaks. Leaks create holes.

This becomes a vicious cycle – in the main line or in the end-user home. It contributes to needless waste of our most precious resource.. drinking water.

FOLMAR™ Technology

Folmar™ Pipe Protection effectively treats corrosion – everywhere it occurs. It’s a dosing product applied as the final step of water treatment.

It is a silicate-based corrosion and scale inhibitor for drinking water systems. It is a colorless, odorless, and thin liquid that is added to a water system at the plant. Folmar™ Pipe Protection is non-toxic, biologically inert, and mineral-based, and it replaces phosphates. It has extensive use history in Europe and elsewhere dating back to 1984.

How Folmar™ Works

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Folmar™ Pipe Protection establishes a system-wide nano-barrier. It separates drinking water from pipes even in the aging home, business, school, or hospital.

A micro layer of silicate-based glass coats the inside of pipes in addition to filling and sealing small cracks and crevices. Corrosion and scale formation are not possible with this protection resulting in systemwide frictionless delivery of water.

Stop leaching. End corrosion. Seal leaks.

For 1 Penny, Per User, Per Day You Can Stop Leaching, Seal Leaks, and reduce and/or eliminate flushing and save water.