Replacing Lead Service Lines is Just the Start

The US Department of Health has determined that there is no safe level of lead consumption. Lead is poison and seriously hinders cognitive development and overall body health.

We can, and must, adopt a solution that treats every inch of piping to entirely stop lead from reaching our homes, businesses, and schools. We must treat all the way to the tap.

Folmar™ Pipe Protection separates drinking water from pipes even in the aging home, businesses, schools, or hospitals. It is NSF®60 certified, 100 percent safe in drinking water, proven throughout Europe, locally available, and demonstrably protects against lead leaching from water utility to the tap.

Folmar™ is a product applied as the final step of the water treatment process. It is a colorless, odorless, silicate-based corrosion and scale inhibitor for drinking water systems.

Solving the lead pipe problem can be costly for taxpayers and local governments if not done right. Folmar™ is a permanent solution for one penny, per user, per day.

Learn more about our solution by clicking here.

Ainsley Shea